School Groups – Outline of Museum Galleries by Grade Level Based on N.C. Standards of Learning

North Carolina Standard Course of Study topics for grades K-6 include:

  • Kindergarten: We focus on similarities and differences between plants and animals. All exhibits with both live and mounted animals are a great place for students to experience the animals and plants of our coastal region.
  • First Grade: Learners at this age build an understanding of the needs of living organisms. From the Seashore to the Green Swamp, see great examples of ways to identify local environments that support the needs of our local organisms.
  • Second Grade: Learners at this age need to build a better understanding of plant and animal life cycles. All seven of our galleries show examples of life cycles of our local wildlife.
  • Third Grade: Learners at this age should focus on plant growth and adaptations. We have examples of fresh water and salt-water plants on display and can discuss their adaptations. Third grade also focuses heavily on the solar system, so consider visiting nearby Ingram Planetarium as well.
  • Fourth Grade: Students should make observations and conduct investigations to build an understanding of animal behavior and adaptations.  Students also focus on Native Americans, be sure to visit our Native American exhibit.
  • Fifth Grade: Learners at this age focus on the interdependence of plants and animals. Students can visit our galleries and compare several ecosystems and the functions of the organisms within each ecosystem.